Identifying Non-Compliant Base coats
To clarify the legitimate applications for solvent based base coats, please see information below. Customers wishing to buy base coat will be required to fill out a disclaimer confirming their usage of the product.
Disclaimer of Liability for Non-Permitted Use of Non-Complaint VOC content Products – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY
1. Definitions
1.1. In this Disclaimer:
Products means all products sold by Express Paints Limited, a company registered in England and Wales under company no. 03426104 whose registered office address is at Unit 4, Dundas Spur, Portsmouth, PO3 5NX.
Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) means any organic compound having an initial boiling point less than or equal to 250°C measured at a standard pressure of 101.3 kilopascals (kPa);
VOC content means the mass of volatile organic compounds, expressed in grams/litre (g/l), in the formulation of the product in its ready to use condition; the mass of volatile organic compounds in a given product which react chemically during drying to form part of the coating are not be considered part of the VOC content.
The Legislation means the EU Directive 2004/42/CE (The EU Paint Directive 2004), implemented in the UK by the Volatile Organic Compounds in Paints, Varnishes and Vehicle Refinishing Products Regulations 2012 (SI 2012/1715).*
* The legislation cited above and additional directives referred to in this disclaimer are available in pdf format upon request.
2. Your Responsibilities – Please Read Carefully
2.1 You are responsible for determining whether the Products you purchase from Express Paints Limited are VOC content limit compliant. The VOC content limit values can be found in Schedule 1 to this Disclaimer.
2.2 Where you purchase Products with a VOC content above the permitted limit by The Legislation, you will:
2.3 Use non-compliant top-coat products exclusively for the uses permitted by The Legislation, which are limited to the following:
(a) Repair of motorcycles, rail vehicles, and other vehicles not covered by Directive 70/156/EEC.
(b) Repair of agricultural tractors and machinery.
(c) Use for the restoration or maintenance of vintage vehicles, designated by competent
authorities as being of particular historical or cultural value (a licence is required).
(d) Original (not repair) coating of trailers or semi-trailers.
(e) Original or repair coating of vehicle constructions (other than cabins and chassis).
(f) Original (not repair) coating of cars, trucks or vans if solvent consumption is equal to
or less than 15 t/a.
(g) Original (not repair) coating of vehicle parts outside of original manufacturing line.
(h) Repair of cars, trucks or vans as part of an automotive OEM installation.
(i) Use in an authorised installation (e.g. installation covered by Directive 96/61/EC).
(j) Use in a registered plant according to Directive 1999/13/EC annex III (concentration
(k) Use in a registered plant according to Directive 1999/13/EC annex IV (reduction
2.4 You warrant that they you will not use any products that are not VOC content level compliant for any uses other than those outlined in 2.3.
3. Disclaimer
3.1 Where you purchase Products with a VOC content above the limit permitted by The Legislation and subsequently use The Products beyond the scope of the exceptional uses outlined in Clause 2.3, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Express Paints Limited from any loss, damage and any liability, including liability to the relevant authorities responsible for enforcing the law as a result of your non- compliance with the law.
Schedule 1
VOC content limit values
A. Maximum VOC content limit values for paints and varnishes
Product Subcategory Type(1) VOC (g/l(2)) |
a Interior matt walls and ceilings (Gloss ≤25@60°) |
WB 30 |
SB 30 |
b Interior glossy walls and ceilings (Gloss >25@60°) |
WB 100 |
SB 100 |
c Exterior walls of mineral substrate |
WB 40 |
SB 430 |
d Interior/exterior trim and cladding paints for wood and metal |
WB 130 |
SB 300 |
e Interior/exterior trim varnishes and woodstains, including opaque woodstains |
WB 130 |
SB 400 |
f Interior and exterior minimal build woodstains |
WB 130 |
SB 700 |
g Primers |
WB 30 |
SB 350 |
h Binding primers |
WB 30 |
SB 750 |
i One-pack performance coatings |
WB 140 |
SB 500 |
j Two-pack reactive performance coatings for specific end use such as floors |
WB 140 |
SB 500 |
k Multi-coloured coatings |
WB 100 |
SB 100 |
l Decorative effect coatings |
WB 200 |
SB 200 |
B. Maximum VOC content limit values for vehicle refinishing products
Product sub-category Coatings VOC g/l(1) |
a Preparatory and cleaning |
Preparatory |
Pre-cleaner 200 |
b Bodyfiller/stopper All types 250 |
c Primer |
Surface / filler and general (metal) primer 540 |
Wash primer 780 |
d Topcoat All types 420 |
e Special finishes All types 840 |